What is the Ruby programming language ?

Ruby is not just a programming language; it’s a symphony of simplicity and power.
Known for its elegant syntax and focus on developer happiness, Ruby is a language that invites you to express your ideas with clarity and conciseness. It’s like a dance in code, where each line gracefully communicates its purpose, making programming a joyful experience.

Ruby on Rails, often referred to as Rails or RoR, is a powerful open-source web application framework written in the Ruby programming language. Created by David Heinemeier Hansson and released in 2004, Ruby on Rails has since gained immense popularity for its elegant and convention-over-configuration approach.

At its core, Ruby on Rails follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, providing a structured framework that streamlines the development of robust and maintainable web applications.
Here’s a brief breakdown of its key components:
Model: Represents the data structure and business logic of the application. It interacts with the database to manage data.
View: Handles the presentation layer, displaying data to users and receiving input. It ensures a clean separation between the application’s logic and its presentation.
Controller: Manages the flow of data between the model and the view, handling user input and updating the model accordingly.

What are the benefits of using Ruby on Rails?

• Rapid Development: The convention-driven nature of Rails allows developers to focus on building features rather than dealing with configuration details.

• Scalability: Rails applications are inherently scalable, handling increased traffic and growing datasets effectively.

• Community and Documentation: Ruby on Rails boasts a vibrant and supportive community, offering extensive documentation and a plethora of gems to enhance functionality.

What is Ruby used for?

Ruby is a versatile programming language that is used for various purposes, including:
• Web Development
• Scripting
• Application Development
• Prototyping
• Automation
• Game Developmen
• Data Analysis and Visualization
• System Administration

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